What is a flexible spending account (FSA)?

If you have a health plan through an employer, a flexible spending account (FSA) is a tool offered by many employers as part of their overall benefits package. There are two different types of FSAs: One for health and medical expenses and one for dependent care/childcare expenses. Both FSAs were designed to help employees set aside money during the plan year to pay for out-of-pocket costs and catch a tax break in the process. Let’s go over the nuts and bolts of health care FSAs.

How do FSAs work?

An FSA is a tool that may help employees manage their health care budget. Here’s how a health and medical expense FSA works:

  • Employers set the maximum amount that you can contribute; however, it can’t exceed the IRS limit ($2,750 in 2021).1
  • An FSA is not a savings account. If you leave your job, you can’t take your FSA with you.
  • If you don’t use the full amount you’ve elected to contribute by the end of the calendar year, you could lose, or forfeit, your FSA dollars.
  • As a way to protect employees from losing the money they’ve set aside, many companies have a policy allowing a carryover of up to $500 in unspent FSA money or grace period provision to still use prior year funds for new claims, up to 2 ½ months in to a new plan year. Any amount left in the account after that is generally no longer available to you.

How can I use the money in my health care FSA? What can I buy?

You can use your FSA for qualified medical expenses and services, as defined by the Internal Revenue Service. What are qualified medical expenses? The list is extensive, but some of the more common expenses and services include:

  • Deductibles

  • Copayments

  • Prescription medication

  • Vision care, including prescription eyeglasses

  • Thermometers

  • First-aid kits

  • Breast pumps and supplies

  • Hearing aids

  • Crutches

  • Mental health counseling

  • Addiction treatment

  • Over-the-counter medication (no toiletries, though — those are considered cosmetic)

  • Chiropractor care

  • Diabetic supplies (blood sugar monitors, test strips, diagnostic testing supplies)

  • Birth control

  • Contact lenses

  • Other health care related items/services

Shop the Optum Store

Use your HSA or FSA funds to buy eligible products.

What are the benefits of a health care FSA?

Besides having an account just for health care and medical expenses, putting money into an FSA can offer tax advantages. The amount you contribute to your FSA is pre-taxed, meaning you save whatever percentage you would have paid in federal taxes if the money had not been deducted from your paycheck. Your employer saves on taxes, too — by avoiding a payroll tax.

Compare FSAs to other health accounts

FSAs are different from Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRA).. Comparing the different types of accounts may help you understand better how to use these accounts to your benefit. 

How do I enroll in a health care FSA?

If your employer offers an FSA, at the beginning of a plan year, you decide how much money you want to allocate to your FSA. Think carefully about this estimate — you can’t change the amount unless your employment changes. Once you decide on an amount and set up your FSA, the amount is automatically deducted from your paycheck, then deposited into the FSA. You’ll either receive a debit card tied to the account or need to submit receipts to the FSA administrator to receive reimbursement.

It’s worth reading your employer’s plan if/when they offer an FSA — not all employers do — particularly if you’d be spending the money on out-of-pocket medical expenses regardless.